Resonance in seriesRLC Circuit

When the frequency of the applied alternating source (ωr) is equal to the natural frequency| 1/ √(LC) | of the RLC circuit, the current in the circuit reaches its maximum value. Then the circuit is said to be in electrical resonance. The frequency at which resonance takes place is called resonant frequency.

Resonant angular frequency, ωr= 1/ √(LC)

Aa) Lukis diagram fasor arus dan tegangan dari rangkaian RLC di atas; bb) Lukis diagram fasor hambatan, reaktansi dan impedansi dari rangkaian RLC di atas (Sumber gambar dan angka: Soal UN Fisika SMA Tahun 2008 P 04 dengan perbedaan nilai tegangan sumber) Pembahasan a) Pola sinusoidal dari tegangan sumber listrik adalah sebagai berikut. Dalam rangkaian RLC seri yang mengandung resistor, induktor dan kapasitor, sumber tegangan VS adalah jumlah fasor yang terdiri dari tiga komponen, VR, VL dan VC dengan arus yang sama untuk ketiganya. Karena arus umum untuk ketiga komponen itu digunakan sebagai referensi horisontal ketika membangun segitiga tegangan. Impedansi rangkaian adalah perlawanan total terhadap aliran arus. Aa) Diagram fasor arus dan tegangan dari rangkaian RLC di atas bb) Diagram fasor hambatan, reaktansi dan impedansi dari rangkaian RLC di atas NEXT PAGE: 1 2.

Diagram Fasor Rangkaian Rlc

Manakah grafik yang menyatakan gelombang sinus tegangan arus terhadap waktu dalam rangkaian RLC yang bersifat kapasitif adalah. Tags: Question 3. Tags: Question 14. Beda fase antara arus dan tegangan pada rangkaian adalah sebesar.

Since XL and XC are frequency dependent, the resonance condition (XL=XC) can be achieved by the varying the frequency of the applied voltage.

Effects of series resonance

When series resonance occurs, the impedance of the circuit is minimum and is equal to the resistance of the circuit. As a result of this, the current in the circuit becomes maximum. This is shown in the resonance curve drawn between current and frequency (Figure 4.54).

At resonance, the impedance is

Therefore, the current in the circuit is

The maximum current at series resonance is limited by the resistance of the circuit. For smaller resistance, larger current with sharper curve is obtained and vice versa.

Applications of series RLC resonant circuit

Diagram Fasor Rangkaian Rlc Pcb

RLC circuits have many applications like filter circuits, oscillators, voltage multipliers etc. An important use of series RLC resonant circuits is in the tuning circuits of radio and TV systems. The signals from many broadcasting stations at different frequencies are available in the air. To receive the signal of a particular station, tuning is done.

Perhatikan Diagram Fasor Dari Rangkaian Rlc Berikut

RlcDiagram fasor rangkaian rlc seri

The tuning is commonly achieved by varying capacitance of a parallel plate variable capacitor, thereby changing the resonant frequency of the circuit. When resonant frequency is nearly equal to the frequency of the signal of the particular station, the amplitude of the current in the circuit is maximum. Thus the signal of that station alone is received.